понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

florida child support calculations

So my laptop randomly decided to DIE. I turned it on, and it wouldnapos;t boot up. So my dad and i went to geek squad @ best buy and the guy said "yep you have a problem" and we sent it away to the place where they will repair it maybe for free because it is still covered by the manufacturerapos;s warranty.. And HOPEFULLY my hard drive is still okay and they wonapos;t have to fuck with it when they are fixing the thing. It wonapos;t be the end of the world if the whole thing is fucked because i guess the most important stuff is my music. But fucking goddamn ughhhh. Itapos;s not even a year old, itapos;s not supposed to shit out on me yet >_<
(and obviously/stupidly i never set up my backup because i didnapos;t have a blank dvd-r or external hard drive or whatever the fuck people use to back-up their files)
so theyapos;re supposed to send it back in 2-3 weeks. Already i havenapos;t had internet for days and i am super-behind on reading livejournal and i canapos;t use aim or itunes, oh and did i mention i have to write papers soon, i hate this.... I can hook up my printer to emilyapos;s laptop but all of this research shit is going to be a pain in the arse...

anyway. It sucks but iapos;m not devastated. My first priority when i get a chance is to sit in a computer lab and catch up on lj reading (oh noes it will take me like 5 hours fkgkwhdkfgkg but i love yapos;all)

going back to concord is nice. I get to DRIVE and cuddle my stupid cat and sleep in my wonderful bed and eat my momapos;s food and take a shit in my own bathroom in the house i grew up in. Itapos;s great.

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